Jeni's Ice Cream Mini Cup, Brown Butter Almond Brittle

Jeni's Ice Cream Mini Cup, Brown Butter Almond Brittle
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Years ago, Jeni was talking with a Norwegian friend who nearly teared up with joy as she shared her love of krokan—toffee-like candy made with butter, almonds, and caramelized sugar. It's a beloved Scandinavian dessert and a favorite of author Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach). The son of Norwegian parents, Dahl recalled krokan ice cream served at the end of big celebratory meals: "... it didn't simply melt in your mouth like regular ice cream. You chewed it and it went crunch and the taste was something you dreamed about for days afterwards." Inspired by this visceral love of krokan, Jeni created Brown Butter Almond Brittle in 2009. Made with rich buttercream ice cream and golden pockets of handmade almond brittle, this sweet, salty, crunchy ice cream quickly became a menu mainstay. (from Jeni's)