Sourced: Hudson River Fruit Distributors
Apples have been a part of New York’s history since the earliest colonial days, reigning as one of the region’s most important commercial crops ever since. Today, New York is the second-largest apple producing state in the nation and home to the greatest number of apple varieties, some of which are grown exclusively within its borders. Hudson River Fruit Distributors is an apple grower, packer, and distributor that has established itself as a hub for small, family-run New York state orchards and as an advocate of the fruit’s local legacy and importance.
Hudson River Fruit is led today by CEO Dan Albinder and his daughter Alisha, who have built upon the groundwork laid by the generations of family that came before them. In 1932, Dan’s grandfather Isador immigrated to the United States and began selling and distributing apples throughout New York City. By 1963, the venture had grown large enough for Isador, along with his son Harold, to establish their own packing facility upstate and begin purchasing farmland and orchards. Dan joined the business in the 1980s, and was followed by Alisha and her brother Marcus more recently (prior to this, Alisha was a produce buyer at FreshDirect, which gave her a first-hand look at the retail networks across the region). Today, they own 450 acres of farmland in New York and Vermont, which produce over 20 different apple varieties. Additionally, they work with more than 70 local family farms to distribute their fruit, connecting small growers to a wider audience via grocery stores, food services, and marketplaces.

Because Hudson River Fruit has the unique advantage of being involved in every stage of the growing and distribution process, they’re able to have a greater degree of control over quality and enforcing high standards. “We are involved every step of they way,” according to Alisha. They are at the forefront of sustainability practices, prioritizing biodiversity, monitoring their carbon footprint, and using packaging made from recycled materials.
Above all, Hudson River Fruit is dedicated to keeping things local. They even offer apple varieties like Snapdragons and RubyFrosts that are only grown in New York. By focusing on connecting local consumers to local produce, they help smaller farms gain a foothold, contribute to the local economy, and positively impact the environment by reducing food miles and promoting more eco-friendly agriculture. “When you buy a New York apple, you’re supporting families…” Alisha points out. “A lot of whom have done this for many, many years.”