Interrupción Fair Trade Interrupcion Fair Trade Organic Mango
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Its flesh is dense, its taste is tropical and its appeal is universal. The Tommy Atkins, a sturdy offshoot of the Haden, is the most popular mango in the U.S. No wonder. The meat has the sweetness of a peach, the color of an apricot and just enough fiber to give it some chewiness. Its firm texture makes it a good choice for salsas, salads and chutneys. Interrupcion works in partnership with over 90 small family growers, organized into two cooperatives in the Tambo Grande District of Northern Peru, to bring you these mangos guilt-free. By paying the cost of USDA Organic and Fair Trade certification, organizing the logistics of export and import, and helping the growers access markets in the US, Interrupcion supports the underserved communities from which it sources its tasty fruit. (from Interrupcion Fair Trade)