A rustic cod and vegetable soup for winter

One of our favorite ways to warm up in the colder months is with a soup that's hearty and satisfying without being difficult to make. We've got a one-pot recipe for a rustic fish soup with cod and root vegetables in a simple broth that fits the bill perfectly: place a 12-in. wide pot on medium heat and add 1 tbsp olive oil and 2 strips of bacon cut into 1/4-in pieces. Once the bacon has browned, add 4 cippolini onions, peeled and cut into sixths, keeping roots intact, and 1 medium garlic clove thickly sliced. Stir gently until onions start to lightly brown. Add 3 medium carrots, peeled and chopped into 1/2 inch pieces, and a few pinches of salt. Continue to cook for approximately 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Lower heat if vegetables start to brown. Add 4 hakurei turnips, with greens trimmed, peeled and quartered, and cook for a few minutes. Next, add 1/3 head of cabbage cut into 1" pieces, and 5 fingerling potatoes cut into 1/3-in coins. Add 1 tsp salt, a pinch of black pepper and 4 cups of water, then bring to a simmer and cook about 5 to 8 minutes. To add in the cod: season four 6-8oz. cod fillets well with salt & pepper while the soup is simmering, allowing the seasoning to penetrate. After the soup has simmered, nestle the fillets into the soup, gently shaking the pot to allow the fish to settle in. Spoon some soup over the top of the fillets, adjust heat to low. Cover the soup and allow to simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Using a spatula, remove the fillets and place in individual soup bowls. Adjust seasoning and evenly divide vegetables and broth into the bowls. Add some cracked black pepper on top and a drizzle of olive oil to serve.
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